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Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index & Carbon Intensity Indicator
At LeadsMar we understand that each vessel is unique, therefore we tailor our approach specifically to your vessel’s characteristics, all while keeping your overall sustainability goals in mind. We begin by working with you to understand your overall sustainability goals and how EEXI will play a role in achieving those goals. From there we guide you throughout our simple three-step approach, allowing for seamless compliance.
Beginning January 1, 2023 an EEXI technical file will need to be in place for vessels that are satisfying the required EEXI. The EEXI technical file includes the EEXI calculation with supporting documentation and must be summitted to a class society prior to the International Energy Efficiency (IEE) survey taking place.
Issuance of the IEE certificate takes place upon the verification of the EEXI during the next scheduled annual, intermediate or renewal survey in the year 2023.
CII is the operational carbon intensity Indicator expressed in grams of CO2 per deadweight-nautical mile and it is a measure of vessel efficiency of CO2 emitted in transporting cargo/passengers. The CII and CII rating scheme will apply to all Cargo and Cruise ships of 5000 Gross tonnage and above, that is, the ships which are already subject to the requirements of the IMO Data Collection System.
The annual operational CII achieved or attained CII will be required to be documented and verified against the required annual operational CII. This will enable the Flag state to determine the operational CII rating, the rating will be given on a scale from A to E, A being the better performing vessels.